
Look at poor yash… now did anybody ask him what he felt before smearing his face with talcum powder…

we adults seem to forget that children, even tiny ones, have egos, self -esteem, likes and dislikes and that even if we are bigger that does not mean we have the right to do what ever takes our fancy…

and not only did they smear his face, but then laughed at him and took his picture for all to see..

Adults often do this, and somewhere , without even realising it they create little hurts that one day turn into complex behavioural problems..

But that it not where it ends, there is much worse.. a pattern that is visble everywhere irerspective of class, creed or even nationality.. we were witness to one such incident last week when our darling Utpal was beaten black and blue by his mother, for no fault of his, but simply to vent her anger towards someone else.. and everyone watched stunned and silent at motherhood at its worst..

We forget that little children are fragile and tender and need to be loved and nurtured not beaten and hurt… the scars remain for ever…

Children are our responsibility as we hold their futire in our hands.. why do we often forget this simple truth