Anou’s blog  Get out of the way

Anou’s blog

Get out of the way

Miracles are what happens when you get out of the way of yourself wrote Brad Szollose. Words of wisdom I need to heed as I am seriously in need of a miracle at Project Why.  A grant we were confident would come our way slipped by and we also lost a substantial chunk...

Anou’s blog Another miracle at Project Why

Anou’s blog
Another miracle at Project Why

Miracles happen every day. They are the hands that reach out to you when you feel lost and alone as I have been for the past few weeks wondering how I would keep Project Why safe. In times like these, all you need is that little miracle to just tell you that all will be alright. This time it came in the form of an email that simply said : My uncle wanted to know of any place that looks after women and their education. I gave him your contact details. The Angel this time was a wonderful soul who I have not yet met in person but who has reached out to me virtually in more ways than one. Her name Sunita Saldhana!

Anou’s blog  It’s all about women

Anou’s blog
It’s all about women

It is serendipity at work again as in the very week of Kamala my mother's 102nd birthday I have been asked to speak on  a panel on crimes against women and how to empower them. The event is part of the promotion of our dearest friend Damyanti Biswas's debut novel You...

Anou’s blog To the manor born

Anou’s blog
To the manor born

Last Thursday was a very special day. It was the launch of our very dear friend Damyanti's first crime novel You Beneath Your Skin at the prestigious India International Centre. The author's proceeds will come to Stop Acid Attacks and  Project Why. So the guest list...

Anou’s blog  Project Why UK

Anou’s blog
Project Why UK

Project Why UK is now a registered charity entered onto the Register of Charities with the Registered Charity Number 1184910. This is all thanks to the unstinted efforts of wonderful souls who have worked hard to make this happen. Thank you Jennie, Harriet, Jon, Cat,...

Anou’s blog  Come to my parlour #WATWB

Anou’s blog
Come to my parlour #WATWB

For these women who often live lonely lives in their patriarchal homes, coming to class is also a social event as they can share their problems and stories with other women and be heard and even helped. It is undoubtedly the highlight of their day.

I feel so grateful and blessed when I see these women as they take charge of their lives. I feel immense pride in having been able to help them do so.

If you are in Delhi, please come and visit the ladies of the Project Why beauty parlour. It will warm the cockles of your heart

Anous’s blog  Chapeau bas

Anous’s blog
Chapeau bas

The flood waters have receded. Luckily they did not enter the Yamuna centre. The incredible Yamuna team is now busy executing Plan B whereby they will open the centre and resume classes but with the minimum needed as rains can still come and bring floods with them....

Anou’s blog  Down Memory Lane

Anou’s blog
Down Memory Lane

Hoisting the flag at the Giri Nagar centre last week was a walk down memory lane. This is where it all began way back in the winter of 2000. In those days we had just acquired a small mud jhuggi across the street where the flag was hoisted and had begun our spoken...

Anou’s blog Cover Reveal : You Beneath Your Skin

Anou’s blog
Cover Reveal : You Beneath Your Skin

Today it is my privilege and honour to reveal the cover for my friend Damyanti Biswas's debut crime novel, You Beneath Your Skin to be published next September by Simon & Schuster, India. I've known Damyanti for many years now and what began as a mere exchange of...