Budding poets of Project Why

Budding poets of Project Why

Dipika Mukherjee, a well known writer from Chicago was in India recently. She was kind enough to find the time and run a small poetry workshop for the children of our Giri Nagar centre. The children were a little perplexed at first but Dipika soon broke the ice by asking them a simple question: what are you scared of?

The children were hesitant at first but came up with answers in no time: dogs, lizards, snakes, ghosts, the Sanskrit teacher, mom and dad and son, each answer greeted with peals of laughter.

In no time the children were comfortable and Dipika steered them gently into the world of poetry. We were amazed to read what some of the children wrote!

We thank Dipika for giving our children this wonderful opportunity and unleashing the creative juices of these amazing kids.

This is what Dipika wrote about her experience:

Spent a magical afternoon at Project WHY, teaching a poetry workshop. Project Why provides after school remedial education to over 1200 underprivileged children through its five South Delhi centres, located in different slum areas, and the children were an absolute delight, speaking poetry in English and Hindi and drawing pictures when words failed them.

Sports at the Yamuna centre

Sports at the Yamuna centre

The Yamuna centre children had their very first sports ‘day’ with different and fun games. They really had great fun as this was something new for them. We hope that we can do more sports activities and maybe even organize a real  Sports Day event in the center.

The sewing circle of Govindpuri

The sewing circle of Govindpuri

Project Why provides after school remedial education to over 1200 underpriveleged children through its five South Delhi centres, located in different slum areas. Project Why also works with women from within the same slum communities to provide them with skills to make them financially independent. With this aim in mind, a sewing unit was inaugurated for women in the Govindpuri Slum Area on May 16,2022 with just twenty women. In this centre, women are being taught basic sewing skills, embroidery, hemming and frock design. The strength of the class has grown to fifty ever since. To begin with, the women are offered a six month basic training course, free of cost and have the option of extending it to a year for advanced training. At the end of the course, these women are given a certificate for their qualification. Our sewing teachers are all qualified in sewing and design training.

Call the fire brigade!

Call the fire brigade!

On Saturday, our Giri Nagar Primary students from classes 4th to 6th went for an outing to the Nehru Place Fire Station. There they saw Fire engines, and were told basic knowledge of what happens in the station and how every thing works and also had a ride in the truck. Soon, we would like to take our secondary children also to the Fire station, they will enjoy and understand more.

what’s new Bon appétit!

what’s new
Bon appétit!

After a long break of more than two years lunches have resumed at Yamuna centre much to he delight of the children and their parents. These scrumptious lunches are provided by Azure hospitality a staunch supporter of Project Why. Thank you Kabir for this wonderful gift.

On the menu: dal, potato and peas curry, rotis and rice!

Bon appetit!

what’s new They are back

what’s new
They are back

After more than two years Project Why welcomed four volunteers from France. Tancrede, Ahmed, Candide and Cyril belong to the prestigious business school ESSEC in France. Their association Sari has been sending us volunteers for many years. We are delighted to welcome them to Project Why and hope they will have a meaningful stay.