by anouradha bakshi | Nov 2, 2019 | Whats new
At Project WHY, our greatest assets are our teachers. By adopting a teacher for just INR 10,000 (USD 145 or Euro 130), you enable a good teacher to reach out to 50 underprivileged children that need educational support to complete their schooling years. Without good teachers, this is not possible.
Help support our initiative by adopting one of our teachers as an individual, or a group of friends.
To know more and see the teachers you can adopt click here
What’s new
Proceeds to Project Why
by anouradha bakshi | Nov 1, 2019 | Whats new
Amazon-bestselling author Damyanti Biswas is donating all her proceeds from her debut crime novel You Beneath Your Skin to Project WHY and @StopAcidAttacks
Our share of the proceeds will be used for women empowerment programs.
The story of You Beneath Your Skin was written while volunteering at Project WHY. It is an intelligent, socially engaged thriller which talks about the issues that are faced by women and underprivileged communities in Delhi.
Check it out, and if it catches your interest, please buy the book.
Within India:
Outside India:
What’s new
ProjectWhy Stars
by anouradha bakshi | Mar 20, 2019 | Whats new
The results are out and our kids shine again. Well done Amit, Vikram, Ashish, Krishna, Rohit, Nirmal and Neeraj. We are proud of you. These boys are from our Govindpuri centre.
What’s new
Training on the job
by anouradha bakshi | Mar 11, 2019 | Whats new
Our special needs students Anurag and Munna are training to be shop assistants in a whole sale shop. This is a new initiative towards employment for our special needs students. At present they go for a few hours and are doing a great job! Well done boys!
What’s new
If you missed our Facebook Live
by anouradha bakshi | Mar 6, 2019 | Whats new
Our founder, Anouradha Bakshi, was live on Facebook for Women’s Day. For anyone who missed it and would like to hear heartwarming success stories from our history of 18 years
You can watch us here
What’s new
Write Tribe Festival of Words: Project Why takes over Daily (w)rite!
by anouradha bakshi | Mar 4, 2019 | Uncategorized, Whats new
From March 4 to 10th, Project Why will be participating in the Write Tribe Festival of Words by taking over Damyanti Biswas’s Daily (w)rite!
It is an honour to be part of this Festival and to talk to a new audience about Project Why. I hope all my readers will join me in this exciting journey.
The posts are based on word prompts and the schedule is as follows:
- 4 March – Forgive
- 5 March – Miracle
- 6 March – Serenity
- 7 March – Nurture
- 8 March – Influence
- 9 March – Trust
- 10 March – Grief
So look forward to this exciting venture at the Write Tribe Festival of Words, with trepidation and a little nervousness.
Please read, comment and share the posts–a little love would would go a long way with our outreach efforts! Tag us if you do: you can find Project WHY on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.