by anouradha bakshi | Nov 26, 2023 | Whats new
Asked them what they want to be and pat come he answers: a teacher, a police officer, an engineer, a bank manager, an IAS officer and even an artist! So many dreams tucked away safely in the little heads of our children.
I always urged them to dream big, to dream of what may seem impossible knowing that dreams are answered as there is a God for he lesser bings, a God that listens.
We at Project Why strive to keep these dreams alive, So help us God

by anouradha bakshi | Nov 23, 2023 | Uncategorized, Whats new
“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” wrote Frederick Douglass. At Project Why we strive to instill the love of reading in all our students.
That is why we have a library period where children can go look at books, feel them, browse hem and be motivated to read them

by anouradha bakshi | Nov 22, 2023 | Whats new
Our dearest friend and President of Enfances Indiennes is back for a visit. Today he spent quality tie with our special needs children. Shalini and Munna were thrilled to see their very special friend.

Xavier will be with us for a week and will spend time at all our centres,
Welcome back dearest Xavier Sir!
by anouradha bakshi | Nov 8, 2023 | Whats new
It is Diwali time and once again our very special souls created some beautiful divas for sale. Last week a sale was organised at CSKM school and Azure Hospitality.
In spite of the terrible pollution and primary schools being closed, We had quite a crowd at the CSKM sale as the boarders were there. The primary children came first and bought divas and earthen painted piggy banks adorned with popular cartoon characters. Soon the display table was almost empty and order books came out. The sale of the day was over 10K with 10K worth of orders, We were over the moon.
As always and as part of the vocational training we try and have students participate in such events and this time it was Shalini who went to CSKM and Anurag to Azure Hospitality. They were stellar and a huge help and enjoyed themselves too.

by anouradha bakshi | May 16, 2023 | Whats new
The class X and XII results were declared this week. ALL our students from all our centres have passed with respectable marks. We are so proud of them. We wish class XII all the best in their future endeavours.

by anouradha bakshi | Nov 12, 2022 | Whats new
Dipika Mukherjee, a well known writer from Chicago was in India recently. She was kind enough to find the time and run a small poetry workshop for the children of our Giri Nagar centre. The children were a little perplexed at first but Dipika soon broke the ice by asking them a simple question: what are you scared of?
The children were hesitant at first but came up with answers in no time: dogs, lizards, snakes, ghosts, the Sanskrit teacher, mom and dad and son, each answer greeted with peals of laughter.
In no time the children were comfortable and Dipika steered them gently into the world of poetry. We were amazed to read what some of the children wrote!
We thank Dipika for giving our children this wonderful opportunity and unleashing the creative juices of these amazing kids.
This is what Dipika wrote about her experience:
Spent a magical afternoon at Project WHY, teaching a poetry workshop. Project Why provides after school remedial education to over 1200 underprivileged children through its five South Delhi centres, located in different slum areas, and the children were an absolute delight, speaking poetry in English and Hindi and drawing pictures when words failed them.