I am almost 2000 posts old!
I’ve been blogging for more than a decade and yes I like to know how many people drop by and read what I write. I know many of you read my blogs but only some take the time to comment.
The days there are comments are truly special as I somehow feel I have connected with someone and added one more soul to my journey, one more voice to the cause I espouse. It also gives me the chance to say thank you.
It would be lovely to know where you are from, how you made it to my blog, anything to get to know you better.
You cannot imagine what a heartwarming feeling it is to read that someone has enjoyed your story and even been inspired by it.
Recently I had blogged about Sanjay who went from street to ramp, the gypsy lad who became an international model, and having so many bloggers respond and comment was a very special feeling that I cannot describe in words. I am sharing some of the comments here:
I too like commenting on your blogs. It is my way of saying hello, well met and I look forward to the ‘like’ as it means we have connected.
So today I ask you to leave a comment on this blog. It will bring a huge smile on my face. I promise to leave no blog I read without a comment.
Don’t leave without at least saying hello.
Do you believe in miracles? Do you think each life has a purpose? Have you met anyone who changed your life? Please share your experiences.
Please consider collaborating with us! We welcome visitors, volunteers and anyone who can give us advice on how to improve our practices and processes. Check out our Facebook page for information on the events that are held at Project Why.
You can also support Project Why through a small donation.
Hello! You and Projectwhy are in my thoughts. Being in the UK and distracted by a large family and more local community, I do not regularly go onto your blog but you have a very special place in our family’s heart (David in China especially). We hope to visit our friends in Delhi again this year (last time was 2006 and 2012!!) so will visit you then…..💐
So lovely to har from you Bev. David and you are always in our thoughts and prayers. I look forward to your visit. Lots of love
I read you….not all the time though but a lot of times.
I know Jon. You have been a great friend and support. Hope to see you back soon.
My dearest Anou, I ve still not been able to meet you but have been following ur blog frm 2009 – it is one of my sources of inspiration, a vindication that there is still goodness in this world..lots of love n hugs always n still hoping I can come to meet you this year at least.
You are took kind Sujatha. It is really time you came and visited us at Project Why. Love and hugs
Anou, tu nous connais déjà 😉 Nous avions découvert P WHY via Enfances Indiennes en 2011 et depuis c’est une histoire d’amour. Une assoc avec des gens au grand coeur, Xavier, devenu un ami. Toi Anou, qui connait l’Ile Maurice personnellement. Tous les ingrédients sont là.
Et on a mis les pieds 1 mois au Project – et alors là, révélation, ip y a de l’espoir dans l’humanité des ONG qui sont honnêtes et dévoués.
Et les enfants, incroyablement résilients et tellement généreux.
On a appris en 1 mois bien plus que dans toute une vie.
Alors on continue à vous suivre, vous aider comme on peut, à te lire, à voir la magie sur le visages des jeunes. Toujours, toujours au fond de nos coeurs Anou!
Vous êtes toujours dans mon coeur, mes prières et mes pensées. J’espère vous revoir un jour et connaitre Marius. Je vous embrasse
We are so happy to be connected with you and everyone at Project Why. We are from Kentucky in the US.
Darcy, Sarah and you have become part of the Project Why family. God bless you