ashya and fatima are twins
they are 2 years old
all their milestones are delayed
they cannot walk and cry in pain if made to stand
they cannot talk.. nor do any of the things a 24 month child does..
they have been with us for almost a year and have not grown…
ashya and fatima have two elder sisters. the father drives an auto ricshaw and the mother takes on export ‘piece’ work..
the twins are neglected and have severe behaviour problems…
we recently took them to the doctor and were horrified to learn that they had a haemoglobin count of 4.6 and 4.3…
i know we are primarily an education support programme, but then does one sit and do nothing when faced with the tragic reality of these two innocent babies…
as i write these words i shudder at the hopelesness of the situation.. what is the value of two little girls whose chances to a normal life are very remote.. who were born into a society were girls have no place.. but then can one wish them away..
the doctors will give a verdict and a road map which may or may not make up for the lost time.. but then who will implement it.. and above all sustain it..
soon these little girls will become a burden no one will want to carry…
where does one begin…
but then can one just look away…