Our women centre is quite something. Barely a year old it throbs with activity at all times. And it is not only the staff who steer it to perfection. Often is the children who take the lead and nothing can stop them.
So in the span of a short year the kids of the Kamala centre have celebrated every festival possible on their own initiative. More than the boys, it is our bunch of little femmes extraordinaires all aged between 10 and 16 who are the heart and soul of the women centre social calendar. After Independence day and Eid it was time to celebrate Diwali. Without any prompt or push they set to the task. Plays were written and rehearsed, danced composed and practices, costumes designed and decorations planned. They did it all.
It was a lovely celebration when all the children came together irrespective of their caste or creed and sand and rejoiced in unison proving to one and all that we were truly one.
I looked on with pride at my very special little women!