How do we raise our Children to have Compassion and Empathy? #GivingTuesday #India
Recently, Project Why received a donation from a school in broken cartons and torn plastic bags.We received books with pages missing, copybooks with not a single blank page, and unwearable clothes. The clothes were not washed let alone ironed and some were...
Does #India want its children to be branded by birth ? #GivingTuesday
The past days have seen many Indian dreams smothered before time.Three young girls ended their lives by jumping in a well. A young Dalit scholar ended his life in the hope of rekindling his battle. These lives were sacrificed at the altar of our...
Homeless in Delhi’s Winter #GivingTuesday #India
In the biting cold of the city is is funeral pyres that have come to the rescue of the homeless in the city. A heart wrenching news item aired today showed how many homeless persons huddled around the funeral pyres burning at different cremation sites. I wonder at the...
Learning to ….. #GivingTuesday#India#Education
The new education policy(NEP) is on the anvil. A fancy website invites citizens to participate in its formulation. Consultations and meetings are being held from village to State level. Every one and anyone is invited to the show i.e the drafting of the...
Light up a Child’s Smile
Light up a Child's Smile is a new campaign launched by the Mamagoto restaurants across India. This wonderful venture is the result of serendipitous synchronicity. Yesterday when I received the long anticipated call tell me that WE WERE LIVE, my thoughts...
Hunt for empathy
I recently read the review of a children's book titled The Avrah Stories by Abu Abraham. What caught my eye and I guess my heart was the closing line of the review: and he teaches his little readers a lesson that you are never too young to learn: the importance...
The extraordinary will take care of itself
“Do not ask your children to strive for extraordinary lives.Such striving may seem admirable, but it is the way of foolishness.Help them instead to find the wonder and the marvel of an ordinary life.Show them the joy of tasting tomatoes, apples and...
2015 will go down in the annals of Project Why as a challenging yet comforting year. All ran perfectly on stage! Backstage it was a year of wake up calls and critical quests but also of new beginnings. Seems perplexing but please bear with me. If all is not well...
Miracles happen everyday
It has been a long time since I wrote this time not for want of thoughts to be shared but rather because of an onslaught of emotions that needed to be processed to make any sense at all. All this was further compounded by the blues that sets in each time a year ends,...
Don’t lose faith in India
Don't lose faith in India were the dying words of my father who left me twenty three years ago. He died a few days before the destruction of the Babri Masjid. I am glad he did.Over the years I have held on to the words of a father I adored in spite of all adversities...
In God knows whose name? #paris#attacks
I am still stunned! It has been almost six hours since a phone call from my daughter informed me of the terrorist attacks on Paris. I am still trying to make sense of it all. Perhaps writing the thoughts that are choking me will help assuage the turmoil. As I hear the...
Will it be heard? #children, India
It is Diwali time. A time to rejoice and be merry. It is also that moment in the year when Hindus pray Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth beseeching her to grace their homes. This is a ritual taught to me by my mother and one have followed over the years diligently. But...