Bye Bye House #GivingTuesday#India
So the deed is done! After months of procrastination and doubts the old now crumbling house is ready for a makeover. So bags were packed, boxes filled with memories and moved to a new transit home waiting with bated breath for the day one would move back lock stock...
As Delhi chokes #GivingTuesday#India
Delhi is facing a critical health crisis. The pollution rate is alarming. It is believed to be off the charts. Some call the city a 'gas chamber'. Experts suggest evacuating the city. But is this a viable option for the millions who live here/ The causes are many...
In the land of silence and raised eyebrows #GivingTuesday#India
Came across an interesting article on the need of sex education in India. Sex education is a highly controversial topic as for some it is seen as offensive to Indian values, and concerns that it might lead to risky sexual behaviour and promiscuity. What its detractors...
Startling and shocking numbers #GivingTuesday#India
A recent report from theInternational Food Policy Research Institute states that “India is ranked 100th out of 119 countries". The indicators used are : undernourishment, child mortality, child wasting and child stunting. The statistics of 5000 children under 5, dying...
And the drop outs go on #GivingTuesday#India
This graph appeared in a recent newspaper. It makes for interesting reading as to the situation of school drop outs in India. For us at Project Why, its is of prime importance as our primary mission has been to contain school drop outs something we have done quite...
Kamala – An unsung woman of substance
It is Kamala's centenary today. It will be celebrated in the centre that is named after her and where two of her most cherished ideals are pursued: education and women's empowerment. It will be a low key affair, a far cry from the loud and impressive centenary...
Not your daughter, wife or mother #GivingTuesday#India
In a recent heated debate on women safety, a spirited woman anchor told a politician that she and for that matter all women, were not anyone's daughters or sisters or wives. She wanted to be considered simply as a citizen enjoying the same constitutional rights! A...
It is time we looked at rape in the face #GivingTuesday#India
Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi's launched a 'Bharat Yatra' against child abuse on Monday with the words: "Each time when a child is raped, our conscience, innocence is raped. I am not going to tolerate this. I am going to change this." The sad reality is that a...
Broken Beyond Fixing #GivingTuesday#India
I recently stumbled upon an article entitled: India's education system is broken beyond fixing; we need to reimagine it entirely. It caught my attention as this is something close to my heart. The author refers to education as being a 'terror outfit!'. It kills an...
The school bizMess #GivingTuesday #India
I send my child to school because I believe my child will be safe. This is undoubtedly what most parents feel when the wave goodbye to their child at the gate of the school or the school bus stand. But all changed on the fateful day when a little seven year old was...
Auf Wiedersen Liebe Carla #Giving #Tuesday India
This post should have gone up a long time ago! All in perfection as it is said. Our website crashed and for almost a month we were 'under construction'! But we are back now. A few weeks ago we bid farewell to our dearest Carla: friend, mentor, fund raiser...
Two Angels landed in my life without any warning and changed my life forever. The first was Manu. Manu was the kind of being you pass on the street and never look at. To many he would be just a beggar who seemed deranged and bedraggled. He roamed a street I passed...