Whats new Yamuna raising- Waiting and watching

Whats new
Yamuna raising- Waiting and watching

Delhi Government on Friday(July 27) issued its first flood warning when water level in Yamuna started raising due to continuous heavy rainfall. Though our Project WHY Yamuna centre is on a higher plain, our staff have been keeping watch. We have moved all our learning...

ANOU’S BLOGProject Why revisited #GivingTuesday#india

Project Why revisited #GivingTuesday#india

One of the inevitable consequence of moving forward, is that some have to step back. At Project Why the 'axe' fell first on yours truly. For the team to learn and gain not only the experience but also the confidence Anou Ma'am had to step back. So for the past two...

ANOU’SBLOGNumbers Game #GivingTuesday#India

Numbers Game #GivingTuesday#India

A recent article on the quality of persons correcting CBSE class XII papers sent my blood running cold. One must remember that marks are of the essence and that careers depend on the marks you get. A high score guarantees you a place in Delhi University a place...

ANOU’S BLOGI have lost count #GivingTuesday#India

I have lost count #GivingTuesday#India

For quite some time now, since Project Why's revamping began, I have not had the occasion of telling the Project Why story to any audience. Now it is all slick presentations, smart looking documents, strategy plans, projections and plans. This is all needed to make...