Welcome to the why women centre!

Though the why women centre was born out of necessity it truly came alive last night when Firdaush our energetic volunteer from Paris decided to spend a night with the girls. It was a fun filled night but one where plans were made, dreams redefined and, beleive it or not, serious work initiated.

Bags and jewellery was designed keeping in mind parisian taste, creche activities planned, time tables set, but what was most important was that the spirit of the centre was defined: one of trust and understanding, laughter and gaiety and motivation and determination.

These women have come a long way and made a jouney many would have given up half way. The beat all odds and overcame many obstacles with no bitterness or anger. Somehow during that night the past was buried and healed once in for all and only tomorrow mattered. A morrow where they would reinvent themselves and prove to the often unforgiving world outside that nothing is impossible as long as someone is wiling to give one a second chance.

We invite to a sneak view of that incredible night
