Project WHY has evolved its programmatic focus in response to the learning and changing ground realities with an aim to achieve its mission

Cyber WHY
Computer classes at Okhla and Khader.
Our Computer programme’s main aim is to give children hands-on training on working with Computers. Two Education Centres – Khader and Okhla have the Cyber WHY program

Early Education
Creche/Day care for pre-schoolers
Our early education programme is aimed at giving toddlers and pre-schooler’s the right to babyhood in a safe environment. The activities are designed to enable the child to develop social skills such as sharing, playing together and take the first step towards living together.

Education Support
After school support for Primary and Secondary children
Our after-school programme is aimed at supporting children’s academic curriculum and enhance reading skills. Our after-school programme goes beyond academics to include life skills and all round development.

Special Education
Daycare center for children and adults with special needs
The activities are designed with an aim to make children with special needs as independent as possible. Basic self-care and living skills are taught (bathing, washing clothes, cooking, shopping) along with reading, writing, computing, and income generation skills.

Women Centre:
Vocational skill building courses for women in Khader
The Centre offers vocational skill building courses for women in the community. The courses offered are stitching and beautician. These courses are also accompanied by adult education classes for women to read and write.

Mid-Day Meal
We believe that malnutrition cannot be reversed past the age of five. We also believe that if the stomach is empty; children will not study. To address this, we with the support of Azure Hospitality have been providing nutritious meals to our Yamuna Centre children.