Alongside supporting mainstream education, Project WHY also initiated early childhood care and education (ECCE) service to support mothers to be gainfully employed. As we penetrated into the communities, the need to support differently abled children also emerged. Eventually, a centre dedicated to children with special needs was set up. Empowering women and youth through skill development is yet another initiative of Project WHY.

After School Education
Project WHY offers free of cost quality after school education support from primary to secondary level to underprivileged children in four communities.
It started its operations in the year 2000 from one centre in Girinagar from a mud hut with 20 children. With the crystal clear vision and focus of the founder, painstaking effort of the diligent and committed team and with continued support of large hearted funders, Project WHY has grown remarkably in 23 years and has impacted thousands of lives. Presently, it embraces …….
In most centres, children are enrolled in formal government schools except in Yamuna centre where nearly half of the students only attend Project WHY classes.
Program Impact-
• 8000 + children completed school
• Near zero drop out from school
• Improved in academic performance
• Students pursuing university education
• Alumni employed as teachers
All students pass their final exams including board exams.
The success rate is 100%.

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
Project WHY acknowledged the importance of investing in children’s early years as 90% brain develops from birth to 6 years of age and experiences children have, during early years, makes life long impact. Resultantly, it started free of cost ECCE program in Govindpuri community in 2007. The program ensured:
- Safe and secure environment.
- Enabling learning environment
- holistic development of children
- Age and developmentally appropriate curriculum.
The program also enabled mothers to work at peace.
It has, over the years, served 500 children. It was a very successful program in terms of laying a strong foundation during early years .
However, the program was badly effected during COVID period. The ECCE centre had to be shut down for nearly two years.
Project WHY has restarted the ECCE program in 2023 and has 28 children. Two teachers and one care giver provide the needed care and education support.

Special Education
The life of children with special needs in underprivileged communities is very vulnerable. Their dignity of life is always at stake. They are considered a great liability and families have little to no hope. They are often rebuked and ill treated.
Project WHY started the program for Special needs children in 2007 to provide a safe, secure, loving, respectful learning space. Since its inception, Project WHY embraced 200 children with special needs.
Two of the beneficiaries are now adults but continue to come as they are part of Project WHY family.
In addition to three full time educators, the program is supported by a special educator and a speech therapist.
The program was re initiated post COVID in 2023 and has eight children, youth and adults.