A victory for children

A victory for children

Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yusufzai have won the Nobel Prize for Peace. It is a victory for all the children who are denied their very basic rights, children who have no voice, children who are used and abused, children whose rights are hijacked with impunity. It is...

Swach Bharat

Swach Bharat

The photo ops were many as India launched its Swach Bharat or Clean India mission. Everyone who was anyone wielded a broom on October 2nd 2014. Millions even took a pledge. The mission comes at a whopping price: lacs of crores rupees. Our tech savvy PW even initiated...

Don’t think twice, it is NOT all right!

Don’t think twice, it is NOT all right!

The last few days have been rather euphoric with all the hype given to the Prime Minister's visit to the USA and his pitch for INDIA. I guess we all got a bit taken in and felt that things would change on the round in no time. It was indeed heartwarming to hear the PM...

Proud to be Indian

Proud to be Indian

In life, I believe that what makes you a better person is to be honest enough to alter your opinion when needed and have the courage to share your changed views with others. It does not demean you in anyway; on the contrary it makes you a better person. A few years...

The hunger games .. version n

Every time I read,  hear or see any article, talk or visual about hunger I blood runs cold. I feel the burning need to pick up my virtual pen and bang out a few words in the hope - mistaken perhaps - that someone somewhere will read them and decide to do...

Bittersweet musings

Bittersweet musings

For the past few days my daughter has been badgering me to look at her post on her FB page. Normally I am quick to do but this time, for reasons beyond my comprehension, it took me a long time to do so. Perhaps someone somewhere knew what awaited me and wanted to...

Teacher’s day

Teacher’s day

The controversy or should I say controversies over Teacher's Day 2014 has filled me with sadness and even a sense of hopelessness and that for more reasons than one. September 5th is Dr Radhakrishnan's birth anniversary and he is the one who wanted it celebrated as...

Why I am a Hindu

Why I am a Hindu

I was born a Hindu by virtue I guess of both my parents being Hindus. But I chose to be a Hindu through a personal journey orchestrated by my mother with inputs from my father too. I was unwavering in my faith for a long time, but the emergence of a new form of...

The ice bucket challenge

The ice bucket challenge

You would have to be a total hermit to not have heard about the ice bucket challenge, an initiative of of the ALS, an organisation promoting awareness about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. The challenge is to pour a bucket of...

Frozen in time

Frozen in time

This picture must have been taken sometime in the summer of 1999. The location: the Bhatti Kurd village located near the Bhatti Mines. I had forgotten its existence and was reminded of it last week when reading an article on the very same village. The article begins...

Of hot chapatis for buffaloes and small incidents of rape

Of hot chapatis for buffaloes and small incidents of rape

Incredible India. It can never cease to amaze or infuriate you. Even when you think you have seen and heard it all wham, you are hit by another salvo you could not have imagined even in your wildest dream. You may recall the 'incident', as that seems to be the word of...

Long live the Loos of India

Long live the Loos of India

Sorry guys here is more about loos and apologies for the 'illustration' but it has not been downloaded from the net but taken by one of our teachers. Poor man! He had to do this on a Sunday and told me that he could not eat a meal for the next two days. I will spare...