The death of a child is the death of God

The death of a child is the death of God

There is no footprint too small to leave an imprint on this world says an anonymous quote. Today over 100 children were killed in a dastardly attack on a school in Peshawar. The terrorist group responsible for the attack said it was in  retaliation for the army's...

You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed.

You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed.

You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed wrote St Exupery in the Little Prince. This is an indubitable truth. Just like St Exupery, a little prince landed in my life about 12 years ago. he did not fall from the sky. He walked into my heart after a terrible...

Back to school

Back to school

For the last few years I go back to school twice a year and have worked byway up from class I to VII! Wonder why and how? Simply courtesy Popples's homework. It is uncanny how much home work children in India get. The whole meaning of holidays needs to be revised...

My Nobel moment

My Nobel moment

On the very day the Nobel laureates were receiving their award and addressing the world, I had my own moment! The venue was a palace hall replete with the pomp and splendour associated with such places. My audience was a group of CEOs of the French tourism industry....

and the rapes go on…

and the rapes go on…

And the rapes go on.. mercilessly.. unabashedly... with impunity. Ages vary.. it could be a one year old or a sixty year old with everything in between... all you need is a vagina! The latest that has hit the news big is the rape of a 25 year old who was raped by the...

The difference they could make…

The difference they could make…

Godmen are in the news for all the wrong reasons like the one whose followers pitched an armed battle against the state, or the other one who has been frozen for the past 11 months as his followers await his resuscitation. I do not know what adjectives to use to...

another rape

another rape

A young woman was raped in Delhi by the driver of the cab she had rented to drive her back from a party. To be on the safe side she had chosen a cab from a supposedly reputed company. Her prudence did not pay off as the billion dollar company failed to meet the basic...

You have to be their voice

You have to be their voice

I have been very disturbed since I hard of the rape of a six month old baby in Gujarat last week. A friend and I started a petition that has till date only got ONLY 138 signatures. This in spite of our efforts to try and mobilise as many people as possible. I shared...

The first lesson

The first lesson

I am still trying to come to terms with the horrific rape of the six month old baby in Gujarat, if come to terms you can. Quite frankly only a very sick society can come to terms with sic horror. I had expressed my immediate reaction in a short blog yesterday while I...

Please be her voice

Please be her voice

A six month old baby is fighting for her life in a hospital in a small town in India. Want to know why? She was RAPED by an acquaintance of her family in whose care she had been left. When I heard this news my blood ran called and my heart stopped. I could...

Lest you lose faith..

Lest you lose faith..

Whenever I have been on the verge of giving up, and God knows I have more than one would imagine only I keep these moments of weakened to myself, the God of Lesser a Beings, that I strongly believe should now be rechristened God of Project Why, sends me an unexpected...

I will just keep you safe in my heart

I will just keep you safe in my heart

First picture with Papa Prague 1952I just realised this morning, whilst rummaging for pictures to put in this post, that the first picture with my father and the last one were both taken in Prague the city where I saw the light of day. Strange that the last picture...