Another knee jerk reaction

Another knee jerk reaction

Opened the paper this morning to this head line: Cops mull DNA testing of Delhi’s beggars. As I had written in yesterday's blog, the plight of beggar children was in the news on day 1 of year 2015! And this from the High Court of our city! So it was not surprising...

Musings on a cold New Year morning

Musings on a cold New Year morning

Woke up early as I always do! I think it has been ages since one one partook in New Year eve frolics that keep you awake till the wee hours and then have you get up in a haze on the first day of the year. For quite some time now the husband and I have celebrated New...

My magnum opus and my swan song

My magnum opus and my swan song

I have always called Project Why, my magnum opus and my swan song, and often at the close of each year I found myself wondering whether these two images do really hold true. With age catching up and time flying at an unstoppable speed, pwhy is definitely my swan song....

As 2014 ends…

As 2014 ends…

It is that time of the year when one writes a year end message, so here is my take!2014 can best be described as a sabbatical year, when one took 'leave' from one's customary work to review achievements and failures and take remedial measures where needed. It was also...

The God to whom I Pray

The God to whom I Pray

I am a Hindu. I am Hindu not simply because my parents were Hindus, but because I chose to be one. I was privileged to grow up in various countries and thus various religions. Since my early childhood I had friends who were Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Buddhist but above...

They are your family

They are your family

When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching -- they are your family wrote Jim Butcher. These words take a poignant meaning when applied to my darling Popples. There are few in this world whose life goes to hell from the word go. Born in...

You become responsible forever for what you have tamed

You become responsible forever for what you have tamed

Today I face the most momentous challenge of my existence. And as always in times of trials and tribulations my thoughts steered me to the magical book that has stood me fast in all such moments. You guessed right: The Little Prince. Today, I must muster and conjure...

Please say a little prayer for him

Please say a little prayer for him

I did not sleep last night. I kept thinking about how much more was God going to put on Popples's tiny plate and why. Some of you know how much he loves eating. He loves his food, he loves sweets and like all kids he loves all that is not 'healthy'! For some time now...

Silent Night ……

I do not know how many of you remember this haunting and heart wrenching rendition of what to me is the most beautiful Christmas Carol by Simon and Garfunkel. It was written and performed in 1966. The carol is sung along with the 7O'Clock News of the day, delivered in...

The big black boots

The big black boots

I saw a pair of big black boots coming towards me, this guy was probably hunting for students hiding beneath the benches. I folded my tie and pushed it into my mouth so that I wouldn't scream. The man with big boots kept on looking for students and pumping...

The death of a child is the death of God

The death of a child is the death of God

There is no footprint too small to leave an imprint on this world says an anonymous quote. Today over 100 children were killed in a dastardly attack on a school in Peshawar. The terrorist group responsible for the attack said it was in  retaliation for the army's...

You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed.

You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed.

You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed wrote St Exupery in the Little Prince. This is an indubitable truth. Just like St Exupery, a little prince landed in my life about 12 years ago. he did not fall from the sky. He walked into my heart after a terrible...