Another form of gender bias #GivingTuesday#India
An interesting article appeared in the Wall Street Journal recently. It is entitled: Why the Vast Majority of Women in India Will Never Own a Smartphone. The emerging new middle class will purchase all sorts of things ranging from washing machines to even air...
The seven vegetable pizza #GivingTuesday#India
Way back in December 2007 we celebrated Xmas at the women centre. One of our resident at the women shelter was Christian and she told us about the cakes her mom made and we ordered many for the party. Sophie one of our volunteers wanted a full scale celebration so...
What Bob Dylan meant to our generation #ThrowbackThursday
The news of Bob Dylan getting the Nobel Prize for Literature was one of the best news coming my way in a long time. For those of us who were young and impressionable in the sixties Bob Dylan was an intrinsic part of our lives. I write this slightly personal note today...
Warriors of Air #GivingTuesday#India
Don't go by the picture! These kids are the luckiest as they live on the bank of the river in the middle of green vegetable patches and breathe good clean air, or at least the best available in our capital city. For the others the invisible bars of polluted air are...
Learning to…#GivingTuesday#India
Two weeks ago, two class XII students murdered their teacher. The reason: he expelled one of them for poor attendance. Rage, anger, frustration? Nothing can condone violence of this kind and the boys will face the law. The question that begs to be asked, though few...
All television is educational television. The question is: what is it teaching? #GivingTuesday#India
All television is educational television. The question is: what is it teaching? wrote Nicholas Johnson. Television is the most ubiquitous object as it breaks all social barriers and finds its way in every nook and corner of the land. Satellite dishes dot the most...
Requiem for an invisible child #GivingTuesday#India
You may be wondering why the illustration for this post is an ultrasound plate. The reason is that there exists no picture of the child whose story we tell. Little Sonny was born a month or so ago to a beggar woman of the Kalka Temple. This was the mother's 4th child,...
Late by 50 years #GivingTuesday#India
A recent UNESCO report states that India could be late by half a century in achieving its global education commitments. It would need to make fundamental changes in the education policy if it were to meet the 2030 goals. At present India is expected to achieve...
Dirty water stunts million of children #GivingTuesday
India has the largest number of stunted children in the world reveals a recent study. For Project Why that is one too many! The main reasons are: lack of toilets, dirty water and poor hygiene. In urban slums and even lower middle class colonies that is a reality....
It happens only at Project Why #GivingTuesday#India
When a friend offered to run a healing workshop for Project Why staff so that they in turn could share it with the children we were a little hesitant. The reason being the multitude of faiths and beliefs followed by them. However we had faith in the sixteen years of...
Hit and Run #GivingTuesday#India
A young girl was victim of the ubiquitous hit and run syndrome that is a familiar occurrence in cities. Most get reported. Some make front page if a 'celebrity' or 'privileged' is driving a 'swanky' car! There are some hit and run cases that never make any page. Most...
Why not for education… #GivingTuesday#India
Government to enlist gurus for organ donation campaign is a recent headline. The article goes on to say: "The health ministry plans to rope in spiritual gurus to help dispel myths about organ donation". This is undoubtedly a good move. Organ donation is a noble cause...