Remembering Manu #GivingTuesday#India
For the past 6 years, come January and my thoughts go to Manu who left us all lost and bewildered on a cold morning in January 2011. I must admit that on that fateful day my feet faltered and I was close to giving up. You see Manu had been the one who showed me the...
2016 revisited #GivingTuesday#India
2016 has been the Year of Transformation for Project WHY! It began quietly without fanfare and ended with a bang. The mood on day 1 of the year was bittersweet. Everything was on track and all centres were running like a clockwork orange. The children were happy and...
A Xmas miracle
Angels do not have wings! Sometimes they appear in the form of a spunky 8 year old. I was wondering what my Xmas message would be this year! How could I know that it would come to me in a sealed enveloppe. The enveloppe contained a card and a message! This was...
A blessed day #Giving Tuesday#India
Tuesday, November 29th 2016 was a blessed day. One had waited long years for this moment. One of the most cherished vision of Project WHY has been to have children from both side of the spectrum meet and learn from each other as Project WHY believes that it is...
Tell me a story #GivingTuesday#India
For those born before the advent of TV, the lessons best learnt were from stories told to us by parents or grandparents or discovered in books found in every child's room and read with avid passion. The art of story telling is ancient and prevalent in all cultures....
Everything is going to be all right. Miracles happen everyday. #GivingTuesday#India
Everything is going to be all right. Miracles happen everyday wrote Adrienne Posey. I second that unequivocally! In the past 16 years of running Project WHY, I have seen them happen and lost count. Another one was conjured in the past 48 hours. I was woken up on...
Back for the day#GivingTuesday#India
It was lovely to have Shalini back for a 'day' to join the Project WHY annual picnic that she has never missed for the past decade. This year she almost did as for the past months brave Shalini has been nursing her ailing mother. The often difficult stubborn special...
The spirit behind Project WHY #GivingTuesday#India
Ramchundur Goburdhun 15 August 1911- 29 November 1992 Most know us as Project WHY only. A few know that our legal identity is the Sri Ram Goburdhun Charitable Trust. And not many know who Ram was and yet if not for he, there might not have been Project WHY. Ram or...
Let us burn schools down #GivingTuesday#India
The burning of schools in Kashmir vindicates the belief that education is the most powerful agent of change. Destroying a school destroys the future of children forever. Education is a powerful tool. The question lies in the way you use it. In the early years of...
What this world needs is a new kind of army – the army of the kind.” #GivingTuesday#India
Like any teenager, Utpal often calls from boarding school to ask for something or the other usually food as at his age kids seem perpetually hungry or for a book of some kind. So when he called last week we were expecting 'chips' or 'cookies' and were very...
The bucket baby #India
India celebrates Children's Day today. There will be celebrations across the land. But for some, like the little fellow in the picture we now fondly call the 'bucket baby' it will be a day like any other. This little fellow was born around the time Project WHY...
The PT exam question #GivingTuesday#India
PT as we all know or at least presume stands Physical Training and is a high school 'subject' in India. It would be reasonable to again presume that it means playing games, training for individual and team sports etc. Not quite so in the Chacha Nehru Hindi High...