Meher – With a little Help from Our Friends
At the time of this photo, in January 2009, Meher was three years old and lived in Khader, near the outskirts of New Delhi. Her father was a migrant worker who came to New Delhi to work part of the year, and her family spent the rest of the year in their village in...
Naresh Sir, with Love
Project WHY opened its first spoken English class for secondary students in 2001 in Giri Nagar. It was the same time that Naresh had just completed his Bachelor’s degree in Arts and was looking for a job. He was a whizz mathematician and loved to teach, and to fulfill...
Renu – From Student to Teacher
Hungry for Education #GivingTuesday#India
(Posting a series of success stories from the compilation The Project Why Stories 2000-2016) Priya is a 5-year-old girl who lives on the Yamuna Floodplain. Her parents, like the majority of those living on the plain, have no skills other than...
Your child will follow your example, not your advice. #GivingTuesday
Live so that when your child thinks of fairness, caring, integrity she thinks of you. These words sum Ram and Kamala's life. Today a more than a quater of a century after I lost them, and in the seventh decade of my life, I know I could not have been who I am if not...
If not for you Kamala
The Trust does not bear her name. Once again it was the flamboyant husband who won the match! But the real inspiration and the quiet and gentle motivating force as always in my life was Kamala Goburdhun née Sinha. Her lessons were not exuberant like those of her...
Finding a purpose #GivingTuesday#India
(Posting a series of success stories from the compilation The Project Why Stories 2000-2016) Project WHY’s journey starts with the story of Manu, a boy with special needs who the founder of Project WHY, Anouradha Bakshi, came across one fateful summer day in 2000....
A sticth in time #GivingTuesday#India
(Posting a series of success stories from the compilation The Project Why Stories 2000-2016) Born to a poor family in Bihar, Gyanti Devi never had the opportunity to learn as a child. Soon after her marriage, her husband, who is severely handicapped, required...
Malte, The joy of Giving #GivingTuesday#India
(Posting a series of success stories from the compilation The Project Why Stories 2000-2016) The only issue that really disturbed him and made his life miserable in Delhi was to see the poverty and suffering on the streets. Every afternoon, returning...
Passion for Life #GivingTuesday#India
(Posting a series of success stories from the compilation The Project Why Stories 2000-2016) Indian society continues to treat disability with indifference, pity or revulsion. Low literacy, school enrolment and employment rates as well as widespread social...
Not the India I want to live in
This picture is not the LOC. It is not an incarceration centre. It is not a prison. It is not a loony bin. This is my home! This the wall that separates us from our new neighbours! I seek your indulgence today for writing a very personal post. I ask it in the...
We push them in. Please don’t push them out #GivingTuesday#India
The Delhi government, while inviting applications for admissions to nursery, kindergarten and Class I, has imposed an upper age limit of 4, 5 and 6 years, respectively, on applicants. It is so easy to make 'laws' for children who have neither voice nor vote! And it is...