What’s new
If you missed our Facebook Live
Our founder, Anouradha Bakshi, was live on Facebook for Women’s Day. For anyone who missed it and would like to hear heartwarming success stories from our history of 18 years You can watch us here
What’s new
Write Tribe Festival of Words: Project Why takes over Daily (w)rite!
From March 4 to 10th, Project Why will be participating in the Write Tribe Festival of Words by taking over Damyanti Biswas's Daily (w)rite! It is an honour to be part of this Festival and to talk to a new audience about Project Why. I hope all my readers will join me...
Anou’s Blog
What is essential is invisible to the eye #GivingTuesday#HelpMithuSaveSchool
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye wrote Antoine de St Exupery in the Little Prince. These words were the 'secret' the Fox revealed to the Little Prince. Somehow they seemed to have been seared in my heart...
Anou’s blog
The Why behind @projectwhydelhi #WATWB
For We are the World Blogfest I want to share the story of how Project Why came to be. I came to know of this Blogfest through my dearest friend Damyanti and warmed up to the idea immediately as we need stories to renew our faith in humanity. Project Why I think is...
Anous’ blog
With a little help from my friends #GivingTuesday#HelpMithuSaveSchool
If Project Why exists today and has made a huge difference in the lives of so many children it is because of that little help from my friends .
Anou’s blog
You’re simply the best, Naresh Sir #GivingTuesday#HelpMithuSaveSchool
I have written many times about Naresh our one of a kind Math teacher! And yet each time I set about writing another post I do it with immense joy and pride. I met Naresh even before the idea of Project Why seeded in my mind. He was the son of Mataji, the healer who...
Anou’s blog
An Unconditional Love for Education
I learnt about the importance of education at my mother's knee as she shared with me her passion for learning. That small town girl born in times where women were not educated and married in their teens had such an incredible and almost illogical love for education...
Anou’s Blog
Help Save a School Founded in a Dustbin
Sophiya Tirkey helped establish a school at a dustbin. After 14 years, that school is in danger of shutdown. Help save it by supporting our online fundraiser.
What’s new
Alumni meet at Okhla Centre
At Project WHY Okhla centre, a very special reunion of past students, and their teachers who continue to hold the torch for education for children today. Some of these kids have gone on to graduate, found jobs, and broken out of the vicious cycle of poverty in their...
Anou’s Blog
Help Mithu save his school at Project Why #GivingTuesday #HelpMithuSaveSchool
Join the Project Why family by supporting Mithu, so he can help others in his community. Every little bit helps. Share the fundraiser to triple the impact!
What’s new
A Thirst for Education in the Children of the Okhla Centre #WATWB
There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million. – Walt Streightiff For We are the World Blogfest I want to share the story of the education of a bunch of children who took it upon themselves to change their futures. I came to...
What’s new
Visit of Mrs Hiramatsu to The Yamuna Centre
We were honoured to welcome Mrs Hiramatsu, wife of the Ambassador of Japan, and the Japanese Volunteer Group to our Yamuna Centre on January 15th 2019. Mrs Hiramatsu graciously donated school books to all the children. We are deeply grateful for this donation. The...