I will be celebrating my birthday soon. Birthdays have become for me the time of the year when I take stock as honestly as I can of the years gone by and try and make some resolutions for times to come. It is also when, in the dead of night, I blow on virtual candles and make my birthday wishes.
What a year it has been. At this very moment last year I was gnawing at my nails and wondering how we would come up with the missing numbers to ensure we did not lose our dream. And we did. Just as we managed each time we were in dire straits as small miracles did come our way. Then there were the four little kids and their dreams and those too got saved. There were anxious moments but each one had a happy ending. One again the year was one when one was simply busy being grateful.
Pwhy grew in strength and more friends from the world over joined our beautiful network making one believe that all was well in spite of times of recession and crashes. On the personal front I was given the most beautiful gift I could have ever asked for: a lovely grandson who brought joy and hope into our lives and made me greedy for more.
I wonder what I will wish for when I blow those candles. I guess it would be to see:
- my grandson grow into a young man
- Manu healed and well
- Meher freed of her scars
- planet why become a reality
- project why safe and secure and able to live on
- my little foster care kids and Utpal pass out of school
Is that asking too much?Perhaps it is but today I feel audacious enough to ask for these wishes and hope that someone is listening.